Who’s Behind the Tree Farm Sign
The American Tree Farm System is a nationwide program sponsored by the nation’s wood-using industries through the American Forest Foundation with the assistance of forestry organizations, public agencies, consulting foresters, and others. Its purpose is to encourage private forest landowners to manage and protect their woodlands for the continuous production of forest products with all the added benefits of improved food and habitat for wildlife, watershed protection, and opportunities for outdoor recreation. The Tree Farm Program gives public recognition to private landowners who are doing a commendable job of managing their woodlands, thereby encouraging others to do likewise.
The West Virginia Tree Farm Program is sponsored by the West Virginia Forestry Association and administered on the local level by the West Virginia Tree Farm Committee. Funding for the program comes from private donations and contributions from the forest products industry.
Over 700 West Virginia landowners take part in the Tree Farm Program. These concerned forest managers continue to receive personal and financial benefits from the woodlands while producing more and better forest products and services for West Virginians.
As the timber products industry in this area continues to grow, tree farmers play a critical role in the economy of West Virginia. Over 60 percent of all the timber harvested in our State comes from nonindustrial private woodlands, that is, land owned by individuals, not the government or timber companies. Private landowners must manage their woodlands properly in order to meet increasing timber harvesting demands.
For More Information
The American Tree Farm System is the key to making the most of your woodlands, for whatever your management objectives are.
To get started simply print out the information sheet (Adobe PDF file) and return it to the address listed below. A representative from the West Virginia Tree Farm Committee will contact you. There are no fees or obligations.
2008 Quarrier Street
Charleston, WV 25311
681-265-5022 (f)
BMP Compliance Questions – Please call 1-888-372-9663
Tree Farm Scholarship Application Available Now!
THIS SCHOLARSHIP is intended to assist the child or grandchild of a West Virginia Tree Farmer in their pursuit of a higher education. Funding has been provided by the family of Pat Plitt, individual Tree Farmers and various...
Tree Farmer Magazine
Knowledge, experience, and information are available through the Tree Farm Program. You will receive a one-year subscription to Tree Farmer magazine from the American Forest Foundation. This publication will keep you...
Pioneer Tree Farm Program
If you are just discovering the benefits of forest management and have not yet met the qualifications for full Tree Farm certification, you may be eligible as a Pioneer Tree Farmer. By developing a written management plan...