Benefits of Membership
- Networking with mills, foresters and loggers that are your markets.
- Annual forecast of legislative action at area meetings and weekly updates on the legislative session.
- Evolving communication programs that include a weekly e-newsletter, the monthly “Forestry Monitor,” and daily radio education campaigns via Metro News.
- Educational and inter-community networking opportunities at A. B. Brooks Symposium and the Annual Association Meeting.
- Free monthly advertising in the Timber Trader marketing bulletins
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative program
- Project Learning Tree program
- Tree Farm program
- Representation, through WVFA, on the WV Agriculture & Forestry Hall of Fame, WV Conservation Education Council, Appalachian Forest Heritage Area Association, WV Business and Industries Council, WV Chamber of Commerce, Potomac Highlands Cooperative Weed and Pest Management Area, WV Fairs and Festivals Association and before the Legislature’s Forest Management Review Commission and Rural Caucus.
- Workshops on OSHA/Safety, First Aid/CPR/BBP, woodland ownership, stewardship, certification, wood preservation, logging and online webinars.
- A heightened profile via The State Fair, The Forest Festival and other fairs & festivals.
- Loggers are automatic members of the West Virginia Loggers Council.
Visit Us!
Our new address is 2008 Quarrier Street, Charleston, WV 26311
Our new phone number is 681-265-5019,
Our new fax number is 681-265-5022.
Workers Comp Answer for Many Found
We have a Workers Comp plan that may generate big savings for those who qualify – for WVFA members for both mechanized and non-mechanized loggers and mills.
Call 681-265-5019
Health Insurance – WVFA Benefit of Membership
WVFA has endorsed an extremely affordable health insurance as a benefit of WVFA membership – which meets government requirements for the Affordable Care Act.
Call 412-992-2860.